Maurer rose

Hamza Yusuff
Computer Science Student at University of Waterloo

In geometry, the concept of a Maurer rose was introduced by Peter M. Maurer in his article titled A Rose is a Rose. A Maurer rose consists of some lines that connect some points on a rose curve.

Let r = sin(nθ) be a rose in the polar coordinate system, where n is a positive integer. The rose has n petals if n is odd, and 2n petals if n is even. We then take 361 points on the rose:
(sin(nk), k) (k = 0, d, 2d, 3d, ..., 360d), where d is a positive integer and the angles are in degrees, not radians. A Maurer rose of the rose r = sin(nθ) consists of the 360 lines successively connecting the above 361 points. Thus a Maurer rose is a polygonal curve with vertices on a rose.

The following animation in p5.js shows visualization of Maurer Roses for different values of n and d

The code for the above algorithm is as given below

The following are some Maurer roses drawn with some values for n and d:

n=6 d=71
n=5 d=97
n=2 d=39
n=3 d=47

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